Interview for the Humanities Blog, TLÜ

Tanya Escudero is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the School of Humanities, where she just started…

Entrepreneurial Mindset for junior researchers

Course on Entrepreneurial Mindset for Junior Researchers

In the constantly evolving landscape of academic research, it is becoming more and more evident…

Tanya Escudero - Integration Foundation Conference

Invited speaker at the 2023 Integration Foundation Conference (Tallinn, Estonia)

The Integration Conference “From Security to Solidarity: Challenges of Integration in the Times of Crisis”…

Translated news on migration at EST2022

Migration Discourse in Translated News at EST22Oslo

Tanya Escudero will present at the 10th Congress of the European Society for Translation Studies…

Translation policies

Translation policies and multilingual communication at EST22Oslo

Researchers Simo Mättää (University of Helsinki) and Tanya Escudero (Tallinn University), members of the project…

Take a look at my latest projects
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My Projects

Translation, migration, and democracy

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My Projects

Work, wellbeing and communication in the globalising and digitalising world (WoWeC)

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My Projects

Improving communication with migrants for crisis preparedness: lessons learned from COVID-19